Holy Thursday Mass From St Patrick's Cathedral. The worship aid for these liturgies can be found here. Welcome to the YouTube channel for Americas Parish Church St.
Holy Thursday 530 pm- Mass of the Lords Supper Worship Booklet here. The Holy Week and Easter schedule at St. Cathedral of Saint Patrick Holy Week Schedule PALM SUNDAY - APRIL 10TH VIGIL - SATURDAY APRIL 9TH 5PM SUNDAY 730 900 1030 AM 500 PM TUESDAY APRIL 12TH 700AM MASS 1030AM CHRISM MASS NO 12PM MASS.
March 24 2016 - Holy Thursday March 22 2016 - Mass of Chrism March 21 2016 - Order of Malta Mass March 17 2016 - Saint Patricks Day Mass March 13 2016 - Sunday Mass.
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John. John 1334 G O S P E L John 131-15 The Lord be with you. Patricks Cathedral holds a private Holy Thursday Mass in New York City. Monsignor Liam Bergin celebrates Mass for Thursday March 17 2022 in CatholicTVs Chapel of the Holy Cross.